A super part-time remote working freelance role has come up with an independent illustrated book publishing company who have asked us to find a Sales Executive to join their very supportive and friendly team.
As Sales Executive you’ll work around 20-25 hours per week to provide administrative support to key UK accounts and overseas sales distributors and you’ll manage sales to a number of UK-based customers and sales agencies.
You’ll need to have prior experience working in sales or sales administration in a book publishing company as we’re looking for someone who’s familiar with book publishing sales processes.
In return, an excellent remuneration and great flexibility is offered as you can choose your working hours.
If this sounds possibly of interest to you, for more details please send your CV to Marta Michalak – marta@thinkselection.com or call us on 07958 208817 in confidence and tell us a little about yourself.
PS – our client has indicated that interviews will commence immediately so please register your interest asap, thanks!
How to Apply
If this role sounds like it could be of interest to you, then in the first instance, in confidence, please send a short intro note with your CV to Marta Michalak